Tuesday 17 May 2011

Family Tradition, Cravings , 26 weeks

Hey Everyone, Sorry I have been very bad about posting. I created this blog to help share our pregnancy with our family and friends back home, I will do my best to update every Monday after work.

~Family Tradition~
Christopher L. Fulghum x3
As some of you know Luke is named after his Dad. Christopher Lee Fulghum. We will be carrying on this tradition. The baby will be named Christopher "L" Fulghum. We have decided to do the same as Luke, and will be calling the baby by his middle Name. The name will not be announced til his birth. Which may be a week or two sooner then we thought. I went in for a scan last week and found out the baby is measuring two weeks further along. The bump on the other hand is measuring a week behind. Im not sure how that works, But he is hiding in there somewhere. Everyone I speak with cannot believe im two weeks shy of 7 months they all feel I look 4 months along. Im not going to complain about that :). Luke is thrilled the baby is measuring big. I guess he thinks the bigger the baby the greater chance of having a first round draft pick. I myself am clearly worried after the midwife said the baby is going to be large and tall. I didnt realize how worried I was, until I had a dream he was 10lbs. (YIKES). I told Luke about my dream and he couldnt understand why I would be upset if he was 10lbs. Im thinking he doesnt know how a baby enters the world ;).

Luckily most of the things I crave are from the US and Im not able to get them out here. It has kept me away from the junk I have been craving. My must have everyday (numerous times a day/night) is strawberries. Which is a great thing to crave, it give me energy for the day and has kept me feeling very healthy. Also with having two dogs we are able to go on walks daily and I enjoy swimming at the gym. Back to Cravings, I would do nearly anything to have chipotle! I crave spicy food. The UK doesnt have Mexican food!!! Which is a nightmare to Luke and I as it is our favorite type of food. We did find one place in Edinburgh that had mexican and we ate it every day we were there. The last few days I have wanted a corndog. Im not even sure why, its not a food I eat but its all I have wanted. Once again its not a food you can get out here, they dont even have hotdogs. Well what I would consider a good hotdog. They have "hotdogs" you can buy in a jar with some type of liquid. It literally looks like a jar of pickles!!

I am 26 weeks today and for the most part have felt really great! I do have allergies this spring but am unalble to take any medication for it which has been hard, also have been dealing with hip and back pain. But that is to be expected. Luke was able to feel the baby kick for the first time about two weeks ago. Its an amazing feeling, "L" tends to like working on his kicks, punches and flips from 1am-5am. Which means I do not get many hours of sleep a night. But I cant complain as I enjoy these special moments. We are having a 4d scan next monday. So i will upload the video and pictures after the scan.


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